Following on from the previous chaos sorcerer, here's another one, but this time a grimdark 41st millenium one. I've been listening to some Aaron Dembski-Bowden audiobooks about the Night Lords and reading Horus Rising over the past few months, and haven't got any more Imperial Guard to paint up. I saw these models in the local gaming shop and thought they looked great.
Ever since the release of the cultist box a few years back by Games Workshop I've been thinking about getting some to paint up, but the idea of buying 10 models I'm not too sure I'll actually do anything with after left me a bit cold when it came down to it. A single character and two of his retinue were a nice alternative.
The colour scheme is very much what I normally do, just whatever paints I have in the paint box, not a lot of forethought, just seeing what the spirit moves me to do when I come to it. I'm quite happy with the outcome. The robed front to the sorcerer's chest and his backpack in particular, the model has great opportunities to use some edge highlights on actual edges.
The two accompanying cultists saw a bit less care. They were just a couple of base colours, and a small bit of highlighting and washing on the flesh. Their flesh is also different from that of the sorcerer, they're much more a mortified flesh like something out of Hellraiser, he's much more a pallid flesh with undertones of whatever demon is currently in charge peeking through.